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jersey city 澤西城〔美國新澤西州東北部的海港城市〕。


“ i ' m no friend of emotion in trading , “ said peter kenny , managing director at knight equity markets in jersey city , new jersey , who has been trading stocks for more than 25 years . “ it ' s much more important to be disciplined . “ he said 新澤西州澤西市的騎士股權交易公司的主管彼德?肯尼表示“我炒股從不會感情用事” ,他的炒股生涯已超過25年,他說: “遵守投資紀律還是重要得多。 ”

The letters were addressed to the rev . grady cooper of jersey city , new jersey , who died in 2004 . someone cleaning his house may have discarded the bag , which lacovara found about 100 miles 160 km from cooper s residence 可能有人在清理他的房間的時候丟掉了這包信,拉克維拉撿到信的地方距庫珀的居住地僅為100英里160公里。

Before his jersey city appearance , bush made a strong pitch on behalf of social security program before an audience of 300 residents of the leisure knoll retirement community in manchester township 到澤西市巡視以前,布什總統在曼徹斯特鎮休閑山莊退休社區的300居民聽眾面前大力宣揚社會安全計劃。

“ i ' m no friend of emotion in trading , “ said peter kenny , managing director at knight equity markets in jersey city , new jersey , who has been trading stocks for more than 25 years 新澤西州澤西市的騎士股權交易公司的主管彼德?肯尼表示“我炒股從不會感情用事” ,他的炒股生涯已超過25年。

The party crossed the hudson in the jersey city ferry - boat , and drove in a carriage to the st nicholas hotel , on broadway 他們在旅館里開了房間,就這樣過了一夜。

The letters were addressed to the rev . ( 6 ) grady cooper of jersey city , new jersey , who died in 2004 收信人是新澤西的格萊迪?庫珀,已于2004年逝世。

The letters were addressed to the rev . grady cooper of jersey city , new jersey , who died in 2004 收信人是新澤西的格萊迪庫珀,已于2004年逝世。

We cut a deal with sony and now we handle all of their accounts in jersey city 我們與索尼達成了協議,現在負責操作他們在澤西市的所有帳戶。

I got a small one - bedroom in jersey city that ' s cheap 我在澤西城租了一個帶一間臥室的小房間,很便宜